Friday, July 21, 2006

Ontario, Canada - The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) has claimed responsibility for three major arsons in the town of Guelph over the past two months and is suspected of sabotaging equipment at five construction sites in nearby Brantford during this past week alone. Several media outlets have received messages claiming credit for last Tuesday's $80,000 fire on behalf of the ELF. Like the other targets, the latest structure was nearing completion and occupied a piece of land which had previously not been developed. The ELF often targets new developments that contribute to the problem of urban sprawl.

The communique reads as follows:

On July 15th, the "Group of 8" (G8) richest industrialized countries will convene in St. Petersburg, Russia to plot their continued domination and commodification of the planet, this time under the euphemistic banner of "Energy Security." A leaked G8 "Communique on Energy Security" calls for trillions of dollars in new investments in oil, gas and coal production worldwide, plus wide-scale global expansion of nuclear energy. With runaway climate change looming just over the horizon, such neoliberal business-as-usual poses a direct threat to the continuation of life on Earth as we know it.

Resistance is self defense. The G8 agenda promotes petroleum-dependent "Energy Security" that pollutes our land and atmosphere, exploits communities everywhere, and scorches the Earth's climate. Their recipe for catastrophe must be met with our global resistance! On 18 July, 2006, 6 litres of gas were put to use.

We are everywhere!