San Fransisco California, U.S. - A juvinile East Bay teenager was arrested for allegedly throwing a molotov cocktail at the San Francisco Chronicle Building during an anti-Bush demonstration organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) front group The World Can't Wait. The incendiary struck the side of the building and set a police officer's clothing on fire. The demonstration billed as a student walk out to "drive out the Bush regime" was part of a recruitment drive, aimed at young people, planned by the opportunistic RCP who has previously organized as front groups called Refuse and Resist and Not In Our Name. Photographs, video stills
Friday, November 04, 2005
San Fransisco California, U.S. - A juvinile East Bay teenager was arrested for allegedly throwing a molotov cocktail at the San Francisco Chronicle Building during an anti-Bush demonstration organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) front group The World Can't Wait. The incendiary struck the side of the building and set a police officer's clothing on fire. The demonstration billed as a student walk out to "drive out the Bush regime" was part of a recruitment drive, aimed at young people, planned by the opportunistic RCP who has previously organized as front groups called Refuse and Resist and Not In Our Name. Photographs, video stills